Archive | April 2019

Track Meet

Hi, it’s hmsleilani and today I am going to talk about a track meet.

A track meet is basically when your school and other schools come to compete for sports activities. We are going tomorrow and will be spending almost the whole entire school day there. I signed up for the standing long jump, cornhole, the sack race, and the 60-yard dash. I am also on the girls’ relay team and will be guaranteed a third place. Well if we do really good then we might even win first or second place. It is a really far drive from our school. I think there will be a total of 4 schools but I am not too sure.

There are also other activities that you can choose to do. Like ladder ball, football throw, softball throw, and hurdles. I like to sign up for the easy ones because it is more likely of a chance that I might get an award. The relay teams are chosen by how fast you can run. The girls would run against girls to see who is the fastest and put them in the relay team. There is also a co-ed team too. It is basically two girls and two boys running with from the same school. There are ribbons for the winners from seventh or sixth place. I never really get first place because I am not that good at sports.


The sack race is the final race. It is mixed with boys and girls going against each other. Last year, my sister and my friend got first and second place. It is also really hot there too. We can bring snacks if we would like to and I normally like to bring some because I can get bored waiting for my turn. Running on the relay team can be very stressful and nerve-racking. There are so many people watching you and counting on you to win. I was on the girls’ relay team last year and we came in third place. That isn’t so bad but there was only three girls relay team. So that kind of means that we came in the last place.

Well, that’s all for today,


POL – Presentation of Learning

Hi, it’s hmsleilani and today I am going to tell you guys about POL.

POL stands for Presentation of Learning. The POL is basically when you show parents what you and your classmates have learned from the past year. This year, we did the OPIHI. We have been training for this for a really long timeWe were divided into 6 different groups and we presented what topic we wanted to the parents that came into our classroom. It was kind of nerve-wracking but a little fun at the same time. My group and I picked to do the Mock Intertidal Zone. It is basically creating a model of the intertidal zone and showing how we used the intersecting line and the quadrat.

While on the field trip of OPIHI, some of the eighth graders took pictures of us and made a slideshow for us to use during the Learning Showcase. Another name for people to call the OPL if Learning Showcase. The pictures were us at the Sand Island Beach Park trying to find algae and measurements. We showed the parents how we used the quadrats and the measurements to find the percentage. We had the first topic in mind but another group took it so we chose the Mock Intertidal. The first topic we wanted was the safety rule, which was really easy. There was also a sampling topic where you show parents algae that we have collecting during the field trip.

At the end of the first learning showcase that we have presented, we got ice cream. We couldn’t finish our ice cream in time because we had to go to Taiko. We had another presentation their too. We taught some of the parents taiko and performed a song called “Together”. I was kind of scared that I would have messed up because that was my first performance of taiko. Every time it was time to switch out, a loud bell would ring all the time which would sound like a fire drill at first.  It was pretty fun because it was different from last year. The slideshow had some funny pictures of us too and we were laughing, but the music sounded very sad.

Well, that’s all for today,


Opihi Field Trip at School

Hi, it’s hmsleilani and today I am going to tell you guys about today’s field trip to Sand Island Beach.

So today, we went on a field trip to Sand Island Beach. It was for science. We are studying algae right now. We have practiced with our groups for the intertidal and try to find what kind of algae lives in that area. It was really fun, but there were a ton of rocks and it was hard for me to get down to the ocean and get back up to the land area because the rocks were so steep. The ocean was also really steep too since there were rocks and ditches in them.

It was a group of 3 in each group. I was always really scared if I were to fall because there were so many sharp rocks and it could hurt me. The teacher said that there may be some people who get hurt, but there weren’t really many people who did. I was lucky that I didn’t get hurt because the ocean water would have hurt. Some of the rocks we had to be careful stepping on because there were some algae or living things on them. I was happy that I never got stung because it would have hurt so much. It was kind of stressful too because the sand kept on going into our shoes on the way to the ocean.

Also, there were airplanes that kept on flying past us and it was so annoying because we couldn’t hear what our teacher was saying. When the sand got into my shoes, it felt like sand piles because it was a really long walk to the ocean and every time I took a step, more sand would have gotten into my shoes. I didn’ really want t touch the algae because it looked really weird and gross. I was glad when we got back to school because that meant that I would be cleaned. We also got some snacks after we came back from the Sand Island Beach. There were some really spikey thorns that poked out of all the bushes. It was a really fun day though.

Well, that’s all for today,


Movies with my Friends

Hi, it’s hmsleilani and today I am going to talk about my friends and I going to the movies.

We went yesterday and it was so much fun. My friends Mari, Jojo, and Shayann all went with my mom and my sister to the movies. We went to watch 5 feet apart. It was a really sad but very interesting story to watch. We got a large popcorn to share and my friend snuck in a snack to eat. We also got a slushie and when we left, my sister and I got french fries. I would definitely watch it again with my other sister because she wanted to watch it too. I couldn’t stop thinking about it after when the movie ended because there were so many questions that I wanted to ask about the movie.

The movie is about these people who have cystic fibrosis. The main characters are named Stella, Will, and Poe. I didn’t want to leave my seat until the movie finished, but I had to because I needed to use the bathroom. I was so excited to see the movie. I don’t want to spoil it for you guys so you might just want to watch it yourself. You would probably have some questions too. One of my friends already watched it with her mom, so she basically knows what was about to happen. At school, she explained what some parts of the movie were which made me want to watch it even more. She didn’t spoil it for us though.

I have seen the trailer on YouTube and I was like I really wanted to watch it. I didn’t really understand what it was about at first because the trailer basically jumped some parts out. I explained to my other sister what happened during the movie, and she said that she wanted to watch it too. So I am really hoping that I could watch it again because it was such a good movie to watch. You guys should go check out the movie at Ward Theaters.

That’s all for today,
