About Me!

Hi, it’s hmsleilani

I have 3 dogs, named Beauty, Beast, and Bubbles. I am 11 years old, and in 6th grade at Hongwanji Mission School. My favorite colour is purple. My favorite subject in school is art. I have 2 sisters, Fern and Jenny. Fern is my older sister, and Jenny is my twin sister. I am the younger. My favorite animal is a dog. I like going to the beach and the mall. I live in Hawaii, Oahu. My favorite place to eat is California Pizza Kitchen.

I have 5 family members. My mom, my dad, my 2 sisters, and I. My grandma and my uncle came to visit Thailand. They are staying with us. I don’t really do much sports, but if I did it probably would’ve been volleyball. I’m an indoor person, and I don’t really like to do outdoor things. Both my sisters too. I like eating noodles that my mom makes for me.

I spend my free time playing with my cousin. I have visited Thailand about 2 times to see the rest of my family members. I only have about 4 cousins from my mom’s side. I have about 14 cousins from my dad’s side, which is a lot. We also have 4 turtles that we keep by our dogs, but we have a gate between them so that our dogs won’t bite them.